There are a lot of people among us who are fascinated about history. It is very likely that historical fiction will seem more appealing to them. If you happen to be someone who loves to read history, especially when presented through the medium of fiction, then techovy is going to be your one stop destination. This online reading forum has an amazing collection of books on history and art that will make sure to quench your thirst for the two.
The primary benefit that you will get with techovy is that the books on history and art available here are not in the usual fashion. They are sometimes made interesting with the Q & A format and sometimes history intermixes with fiction to give you a taste of both. So, this is a win-win situation for you—you are getting to read great fiction as well as learn history, thus enhancing your knowledge with fun.
Techovy has a lot of great fiction in its ebook store, and that includes modern classics like Virginia Woolf’s Orlando. This can be a riveting read if you are into serious literature, because Woolf writes beautiful prose and with the help of it, shrinks four centuries into the novel while exploring the meaning of sexuality. This was, as we know, inspired by Woolf’s relationship with Vita Sackville-West, and thus what you get in the novel is an admixture of autobiographical fiction, historical fiction and pure history of England and Constantinople between the 16th and the 20th centuries.
Happy reading!
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